Antiracism Resources

Links to sections on this page (all links off the site show up in a new window so this page will still be here)
Essays by Joyce Dowling
Links to other Essays & Articles
Recommended books (with links)
Links to other antiracism resource web sites
Links to organizations in U.S.A.
Links to Discussion Groups on Facebook Primarily for U.S.A
Links to DC/Maryland area resources on antiracism
Books on History of African Americans in Prince George's County and Maryland
Links to Unitarian Universalist resources

Essays & Other writings on Antiracism by Joyce Dowling

Early Experiences in Race & Racism
Building a Multicultural Community
(with links to news clippings - ~2006)

Growing in Diversity is Living Our Principles(for UUs - 2007)
"How much racism is there in America?" & Other conversations (~2007 with slight update edits)
Understanding Racism & How it Works In Order to Eliminate It (2006, updated 2016)

Diversity in Relationships (a lay sermon given at Davies Memorial UU Church - May 2011)

Links to other Essays & Articles

Tim Wise official site with list of essays
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
The Bias Breakdown from the Washington Post (Dec. 2005)

Recommended books (these are books from my library in reverse chronological order; other books listed on other web sites below)

Dear White America: Letter to a New Minority (City Lights Open Media) by Tim Wise (2012)
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander (2012)
Encounters: poems about race, ethnicity, and identity (2011) edited by Paula Cole Jones
The Death of Josseline by Margaret Regan (2010) - racism isn't just an African American problem; immigrants & Hispanic/Latino/a people are a major group that's being discriminated against. This book helps people understand the immigration problem in Arizona from both sides but especially the immigrants.
Accountability and White Anti-racist Organizing: Stories from Our Work (2010)
One Foot Planted in the Center, the Other Dangling Off the Edge: How Intentional Leadership Can Transform Your Church by Gordon R. Drag (2009) for those who want to learn about leadership in creating multiculturalism
The Power of Stories: A Guide for Leading Multi-Racial & Multi-Cultural Congregations by Jacqueline J. Lewis (2008)
Inheriting the Trade: A Northern Family Confronts Its Legacy as the Largest Slave-Trading Dynasty in U.S. History by Thomas Norman DeWolf (2008)
On the Court-House Lawn: Confronting the Legacy of Lynching in the Twenty-First Century by Sherrilyn A. Ifill (2007)
The Covenant In Action
(2007) - to inspire people to become agents of change in their respective communities
The Covenant with Black America (2006) - solutions to racial disparity in U.S.
I Can Fix It! Volume 1 - Racism (PDF free online) by damali ayo
Silent Racism: How Well-Meaning White People Perpetuate the Racial Divide by Barbara Trepagnier
The Anti-Racism Cookbook: A Recipe Guide for Conversations About Race That Goes Beyond Covered Dishes and "Kum-Bah-Ya" by Robin Parker & Pamela Smith Chambers (2005)
Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension of American Racism (2005) by James W. Loewen
The Race Myth: Why We Pretend Race Exists in America by Joseph L. Graves, Jr. (2005)
The Inventive Spirit of African Americans by Patricia Carter Sluby (2004)
Learning to be White: Money, Race, and God in America by Thandeka (2002)

Daughters of Thunder: Black Women Preachers and Their Sermons, 1850-1979 (1998) by Bettye Collier-Thomas
How the Irish Became White by Noel Ignatiev (1995)
Race Matters by Cornel West - originally published in 1993, but republished in 2001 with new preface.

Links to other web sites

A Guide to Working in the Trades as a Person of Color

Building Inclusive AI: Strategies for Training Against Racism

ADORE Anti-Racism Resources

American Psychological Association Resources on Racism and Anti-Racism

And Justice for Some - study of racial divide for African American youth

Race the Power of an Illusion - interactive site (PBS)

Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project - keeps track of U.S. hate crimes

The Covenant with Black America

The Covenant in Action

Links to anti-racist organizations in U.S.A.

Color of Change
Black Lives Matter
White Anti-racist Community Action Network (WACAN)
Southern Poverty Law Center
Coming To The Table

Links to anti-racist discussions on Facebook, primarily for U.S.A.

Black Lives Matter
Coming To The Table
Immigration as a Moral Issue
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)
The Conversation Starts Today. Racism & White Privilege
The conversation starts today - Talking to white people about privilege

Links to DC/Maryland area resources on antiracism

A Dialog on Race and Ethnicity in Prince George's County, Maryland
Coming to the Table (CTTT) - Washington Metro / Mid-Atlantic
History of Racism and Racial Integration in Prince George's County, Maryland

Books on History of African Americans in Prince George's County and Maryland (also see books above)

Black Men Built the Capitol: Discovering African-American History in and around Washington, DC by Jesse J. Holland (2007)
Fighting Old Nep: The Foodways of Enslaved Afro-Marylanders 1634-1864 by Michael Twitty (2006)
Black American Series: Prince George's County, Maryland by Carolyn Corpening Rowe, Jane Taylor Thomas, and Beverly Babin Woods (2003)
Like a Phoenix I'll Rise: An Illustrated History of African Americans in Prince George's County, Maryland, 1696-1996 by Alvin Thornton & Karen Williams Gooden (1998)
We Had a Dream: A Tale of Struggle for Integration in America by Howard Kohn (1998)
African American Heritage Survey, 1996 by the Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission
Records & Recollections: Early Black History in Prince George's County, Maryland by Bianca Floyd (1989)
The Negro in Maryland Politics, 1870-1912 - The Johns Hopkins University Studies (1973)

Well-Considered, a Novel by Richard Morris - A well-researched novel by a Prince Georgian with suspense, mystery, history, and humor: takes place on a Maryland tobacco plantation in 1907.

Links to Unitarian Universalist resources (above resources also good for UUs)

UUs Resisting New Jim Crow & Mass Incarceration

Inspirational UU Quotes

UU-Specific Anti-racism Resources from ADORE (web site) BOOKS BELOW:

Black Pioneers in a White Denomination (1994) by Mark Morrison Reed - the first book about UU racial issues
Soul Work: Anti-Racist Theologies in Dialogue (2003) edited by Marjorie Bowens-Wheatley & Nancy Palmer Jones
The Arc of the Universe is Long: Unitarian Universalists, Anti-Racism, and the Journey from Calgary (2009) by Leslie Takahashi Morris, Chip Roush and Leon Spencer (I have one small contribution in this collection of stories.)
Darkening the Doorways: Black Trailblazers and Missed Opportunities in Unitarian Universalism (2011) by Mark Morrison-Reed

If you have additional resource that you think I might want to list here, please let me know at joyce [at] subject:Dowling Antiracism web page

Additional writings by Joyce Dowling Personal Home Page

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